



"The only conflict you will ever have
is the one inside yourself."

M. Scott Peck

My job is not to tell you what to do.  Or even give you advice.  Or presume that I know what's better for you than you do.   My job is to support you emotionally and listen non-judgementally as you find your way through life's bumps and bruises.   We often think that the source of our conflict is our job, spouse, children, parents, siblings, money...take your pick.   No doubt that dealing with people and situations is often stressful.   But it's our own conflicting values and desires about how to handle these things that tend to make us anxious, depressed...stuck.   Sometimes, simply talking about what's bothering you helps you feel better.   What I do is compassionately listen and then gently point out where you sound conflcted within yourself.  So, psychotherapy becomes a journey of insight that we take together to find your unique answers to these questions-- to find out what you really want.        

Counseling support and guidance through a challenging situation is also available.  Counseling differs from psychotherapy in that there is a specific goal to achieve or situation to change usually within a certain time frame.  In this case, I will offer specific recommendations, guidance and concrete steps to help you get where you want to go.  Whether through counseling or psychotherapy, my job is to work with you in creating the more fulfilling and meaningful life that you want while offering emotional support along the way.  

Please browse my website for more information.  And I offer an initial telephone consultation, at no charge, so you can decide if we can work well together.

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